Events and Activities


Today, special visitors came in to Harlow Green to deliver an assembly focused on rewarding excellent attendance. Rob and Hannah were representing  ‘EYPS Teaching Supply’ which is working with our school to provide an attendance award, each half term, for the class that achieves the highest attenda


A lovely afternoon at Angel Court catching up with old friends. This week we were helping to finish off some decorative boards that the residents have been working on. Inspired by some of the screen prints and sewing we did last year, the boards were cut to shape and decorated using paint pens. They


Once again, our annual food fayre has been a huge success! It was a glorious day and it was fantastic to see so many parents, carers and family members coming along to join in the fun! We all enjoyed delicious food (including pizzas made by the staff in our very own cob oven!), a range of stalls and


Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end! And so it is with the Year 6 residential to Dukeshouse Wood.  However, the time in which they were there, the children learned a lot of new skills but they also learned a lot about themselves.  Everyone was pushed outside of their comfort zones a