Events and Activities


Children and staff at Harlow Green enjoyed World Book Day celebrations on Thursday 7th March. the day was part of the school’s PSHE week and as a school we themed the day around ‘viewpoints’.  All year groups used the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ as a stimulus for their exploration of books and


During PSHE week the children in Nursery and Key Stage One were visited by Nick the chef. The children learnt about the importance of a balanced diet and where our food comes from. Nick cooked a delicious curry which some of the children helped to prepare by chopping onions, peppers and tomatoes. So


This week, Year 6 have been enjoying PSHE week. During the week, they have had the opportunity to take part in various workshops, run by different visitors. YogaBugs was a great opportunity to think about how to relax and how to balance in different positions; MIND came and spoke about the importanc


As part of our World Book Day Celebrations, Year 4 shared their love of books with our Reception children. Children were paired up, then given a little time to chat and get to know one another, before reading some of their favourite stories.  It was a lovely session with all the children completely