

As we come to the end of our first term, we would like to take this time to reflect on the attendance successes that we have achieved so far this year. A whopping 191 children received attendance certificates today for achieving the school target of 96% and above of which 74 children achieved 100%!


The Year One children were invited to take part in a Christmas drawing competition with Tesco Gateshead. The pupils were asked to draw pictures showing a Christmas scene of their choice. The children enjoyed drawing pictures of snowmen, Christmas trees, presents and of course, Santa Claus! They trie


If you are a very small bear and you want to look a long way the best thing to do is get up high in the air. The children were challenged to create a structure so that the bear could see into the distance. They could use branches and sticks they’d found in the woods. The highest tower would be the w