The younger children in school have been learning about Spikes and Stings and Sticky things this term. This encompasses slightly more risky plants; stinging nettles, brambles, thistles etc. Insects that may cause harm if provoked; bees, wasps, the occasional earwig, and Stick Safety; how we move
The first task of the morning was to check if the wild flower seeds we sowed are starting to sprout. Difficult at this stage to see which are flowers and which are weeds, but nothing goes to waste as we’ll pick the weeds out and give them to the hens. The children were excited to see how quickly t
Our celebration of nature continues at Angel Court. The children and residents used plants they had found in the garden to print with on a large collective piece of art. They could use paintbrushes and pens to add detail. Maisie doesn’t like getting her hands dirty so she directed proceedings. The
This week sees the restart of visits to Angel Court. We are so lucky to have printmaker Hannah back to work with the residents and children. Linking to nature, and our fantastic community garden, the starting point was to look at the book The Secret Garden for some inspiration. The children began by
Nursery had a very busy morning, in class we looked at plants that may be a bit “risky”. Thistles, nettles, brambles etc. Miss Rowe showed the children which insects only live on these plants and why it’s so important we allow areas for these habitats to thrive. We watched a short film about all the
Today we held our annual Easter egg competition. Once again, the children astounded us with their original and creative ideas. The eggs were displayed around school so that each class could take a tour and look at them. Our Rights Respect Officers had the difficult job of choosing a winner and
Great excitement in our Forest School this week as Oliver’s tree surgeons came in to carry out some routine work. The children were very curious to know who these “orange men” were, so in class Miss Rowe explained why woodland needs active management to ensure that the trees are healthy and safe. We
Year Two had a visit from some dental students from Newcastle University. The boys and girls learned all about how to look after their teeth and why regular visits to the dentist are important to keep our teeth healthy and strong. The children took part in four different activities to help them to l
On Friday, pupils had fun whilst raising money for Comic Relief. During assembly, the children learnt that Comic Relief is a charity event that raises money to support incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world. At Harlow Gre
Our new text in English this term, is the classic children’s novel ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. During our first reading week, the children began by making predictions about the story based on different versions of the book’s front cover. They identified clues given by the title, characters and set