

It has been a real pleasure to welcome our new children to Reception Class over the last two weeks.  This week has been their first full week at school.  We have been so impressed with how well they have settled in and made new friends. The children have quickly adapted to life in Reception, alrea


This week, lots of boys and girls came back to school and started their new year group. In Year 2, we have been amazed at how sensible, hard-working and cheerful the children have been. We have been delighted to see their wonderful writing. The children wrote sentences all about their Summer holiday

Race for Life On Friday morning, Reception completed their 2 laps of the field for our Race for Life event in aid of Cancer Research UK. The children ran, walked, skipped and even danced their way around the field! They all tried incredibly hard and were delighted to find once they crossed the finis


In Year 2 this week, we have been learning all about the Tokyo Olympics. We have been studying the host country of the Olympics, Japan. In English, we have learnt all about a famous, Japanese Olympic table tennis player called Mima Ito. We have learnt all about her life, including that she was just