Year 6 showed off their rope work skills this week. After being taught a timber hitch for anchoring, the children then translated that knowledge into the trees, creating their own rope lines. Securing with simple half hitches to give tension they had to work together to ensure tight and safe lines.
Harvest Festival As a school we celebrated Harvest, linking with World Food Day on 16th October, to collect non-perishable foods for those who are less fortunate. Harvest Festival celebrates the time of year when crops have been gathered from the field and people can reflect on they food that they h
A fun packed morning in Year 2 this week. As part of the children’s history lessons, they have been learning about the Great Fire of Gateshead. They created their own houses in class and had the opportunity in our Forest School session to see first hand the effects of fire. Before the session began
This afternoon, in the Forest School, our Reception children enjoyed some campfire cooking and learnt about fire safety. They shared stories about Bonfire night and we discussed how to stay safe around fire, so we can all enjoy it. The children ate caramelised pears and got very sticky fingers. They
Year 2 enjoyed some afternoon sunshine in our Forest School this week. Spending some time with the hens and gaining confidence in handling them. As the children progress through school they will be taught how to look after the hens, cleaning them out and ensuring they have enriched lives, learning
Now is the time of year that we need to prepare our Forest School for the seasons to come. Showing the children how we can make our site sustainable and realising their own environmental impact is an important aspect of our Forest School. We spent the afternoon collecting leaves for mulching, repair
It has been a real pleasure to welcome our new children to Reception Class over the last two weeks. This week has been their first full week at school. We have been so impressed with how well they have settled in and made new friends. The children have quickly adapted to life in Reception, alrea
Tree recognition can be tricky, so many varieties and so difficult to remember new names. This activity helps the children begin to recognise and match, shape, colour and textures. First each child was given a collecting bag, then into the woods we go to find their favourite leaf shape. They collect
In preparation for their Forest School adventures, Reception children practiced turning waterproofs out the right way and putting them on. Such a useful skill that so that they can be independent and we can maximise our time outside no matter what the weather. For some it took a lot of perseverance,
This week, lots of boys and girls came back to school and started their new year group. In Year 2, we have been amazed at how sensible, hard-working and cheerful the children have been. We have been delighted to see their wonderful writing. The children wrote sentences all about their Summer holiday