

During PE, in Year 3, the boys and girls have been developing their throwing skills. In athletics, the children have been competing to throw the furthest distance with Nerf rockets. In cricket and rounders, they have been learning how to aim, in order to hit a small target. The children worked hard


A lovely afternoon at Angel Court catching up with old friends. This week we were helping to finish off some decorative boards that the residents have been working on. Inspired by some of the screen prints and sewing we did last year, the boards were cut to shape and decorated using paint pens. They


Year 6 have enjoyed another fun-packed menu of activities.  The staff and children tried their hand at archery, the zip wire and the laser in the woods. After tea, the children enjoyed a game of football rounders and the ‘mini olympics’ before returning to their dormitories for a well-earned n


In RE, the children have been learning about who Moses is and why he is important to Jewish people. The children retold the story of Moses and created their own ten commandments. The boys and girls created their own stone tablets to display their ten laws. UNICEF Article 30: We all have the right to


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been looking at our local area and discussing rural and urban regions. The children were able to sort pictures and find rural and urban areas around us on a map. The children enjoyed stepping out into the local area to research how the land around us is used and wo