

This week in Year 1 we took advantage of nature to create some placement art. In class the children were asked; Can you create a repeating pattern using natural materials? This lead to a lively discussion around sorting, what different characteristics you may find in nature and how that may inform h


Year 3 created a huge variety creatures using clay and natural materials. From spiders to llamas, ladybirds to Godzilla! The children then had to describe their creatures, their personality, where they live, what they might eat. Some very imaginative ideas, executed well. Article 28 – We all have th


Year 3 have had a fantastic trip to Newcastle Castle Keep! The boys and girls learned all about the features of a castle and joined in a Castle and Courts workshop, to re-enact a feast fit for Kings and Queens. The children climbed over 100 stairs to the roof of the castle, where they experienced so


During PE, in Year 3, the boys and girls have been developing their throwing skills. In athletics, the children have been competing to throw the furthest distance with Nerf rockets. In cricket and rounders, they have been learning how to aim, in order to hit a small target. The children worked hard


A lovely afternoon at Angel Court catching up with old friends. This week we were helping to finish off some decorative boards that the residents have been working on. Inspired by some of the screen prints and sewing we did last year, the boards were cut to shape and decorated using paint pens. They