

Year 6 have enjoyed another fun-packed menu of activities.  The staff and children tried their hand at archery, the zip wire and the laser in the woods. After tea, the children enjoyed a game of football rounders and the ‘mini olympics’ before returning to their dormitories for a well-earned n


In RE, the children have been learning about who Moses is and why he is important to Jewish people. The children retold the story of Moses and created their own ten commandments. The boys and girls created their own stone tablets to display their ten laws. UNICEF Article 30: We all have the right to


In Year 3, the boys and girls have been looking at our local area and discussing rural and urban regions. The children were able to sort pictures and find rural and urban areas around us on a map. The children enjoyed stepping out into the local area to research how the land around us is used and wo


Our final week at Angel Court working with Neil. The children and residents have made some beautiful creations. The final finishes were carried out, wooden hens mounted onto a grassy base and a last coat of varnish. The children arranged the shell boxes in Angel Courts community garden and screwed


Year 2 were given a challenge this week that helped them to demonstrate their understanding of mathematical vocabulary referring to size, scale and comparison. A lovely fast paced activity for a cold, soggy day. Article 13 – We all have a right to say what we think and be listened to.


Free play sessions in Forest School are a chance for the children to put into practice the skills that they have learnt. Play and choice are an integral part of the Forest School learning process, play is recognised as vital to learning and development at Forest School.  Opportunities are designe