During our RE work this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about Christianity. The children began by learning about John the Baptist and were able to retell his story using visual prompts. As John the Baptist told people to repent their sins, the children wrote about something the
Year 1 spent the afternoon learning how to recognise and describe the shapes of leaves on trees in our Forest School. In class we played a leaf sorting game, separating into 5 main leaf shapes: Lobed, Compound, Eliptical, Cordate and Needles. The children could describe what features they might
Nursery and Reception children have been learning about different leaf shapes particularly focusing on tree leaves. This activity encourages the children to really observe in more detail and at the same time they get to enjoy some work with tools. First they played a leaf recognition game, trying
This is a physical way or teaching the children about the parts of a tree, Year 4 threw themselves into the challenge and completed it both under instruction and then independently as a class. Challenge: as a class you will be creating a tree by acting out tree parts, the Leader will direct you. Two
Our children continue to learn about trees this month. Tree identification can be tricky, so we encourage them to become nature detectives and inspire them by setting activities that create links to their known worlds. The children were asked to think about their families and what the word family me
This week the children got to go a see the play based on ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of going to the theatre and were impeccably behaved. The play explored some difficult topics around war and refugees, which links to our class text ‘Oranges in
Year 5 displayed their understanding of water safety procedures this week. They have worked incredibly hard to get to this point of assessment, following the directions of the swimming instructor with focus and demonstrating with precision. Wearing loose clothing, the first task to swim out slowly i
From their very first steps into our Forest School the children learn how to manage potential risk whilst still gaining the benefit of the experience. This may be as simple as changing the speed at which you move when it’s muddy under-foot to more specific activities like Stick Safety training. Thro
We continue to learn about the trees we have in our Forest School and the more we know about them, the better we can understand why they have such importance. The trees and hedgerow that the children have recently planted are already starting to bud and blossom, this is very rewarding and immediate
The children immersed themselves in the Forest School this week. Enjoying spending time with the hens, which of course the hens love. They are a very friendly flock and the children are getting confident in handling them. Such an exciting moment to hold a hen for the first time. Meanwhile the childr