To share all the news and events that happen at Harlow Green Community Primary School, the Year 6 HG News team report weekly. The aim is to build confidence and a range of skills which can be applied in a variety of ways. This opportunity also gives an insight into the potential of becoming a jour
This week in Nursery we have been looking at signs of Spring. As part of our topic, we have been learning all about signs of Spring. In order to observe growing, we have been growing cress. We first watched a video about to understand what cress is and then learnt how to plant the cress seeds by fol
This week Nursery enjoyed celebrating Shrove Tuesday! We were very excited that it was Pancake Day in Nursery on Tuesday this week. We learnt that Pancake Day is celebrated in February or March each year to mark the beginning of Lent. During Lent we often give up something as a Lenten promise. Som
World Book Day is an annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading. It encourages children and families to find the fun and enjoyment in reading because reading for pleasure changes lives. At Harlow Green, World Book Day is one of the highlights of the academic year. Ch
This week, we have celebrated world Book Day in school. Part of this celebration, was about looking at new books that the children might like and the teachers being able to offer some advice about authors and the latest books in the shops. With money from their sponsored read, the children are going
During our Forest School sessions this term we have been learning about birds. Through games, activity’s and observations the children have widened their knowledge. This week we have been focusing on feathers, their shapes and their function. We have the advantage of having our own birds in school,
Over three days this week, the children across the whole school were spell-bound as they were visited by the illustrator and author Liz Million. Liz writes, illustrates and publishes her own books as well as illustrating for other authors and working in schools. She talked to the children about her
This week in Nursery, we had a visit from our local Lollipop person – Donna! As part of our mini topic, People Who Help Us, we have been learning all about the people who help us complete daily tasks, when we are poorly or in need of help. We had a visit from our local Lollipop person who helped us
Harlow Green Celebrates Safer Internet Day 2025 On Tuesday, 11th February, Harlow Green Primary School joined thousands of schools across the country in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2025. This year’s theme, ‘Too Good to be True’, encouraged our children to think critically about what they se
Nursery have been learning all about the meaning and importance of Valentine’s Day this week. This Valentine’s Day, the children had fun exploring the meaning of love and friendship. They talked about how it’s a day to show kindness and appreciation for the people they care about. We discussed who t