Today we celebrated the end of the Autumn term with our Nursery Christmas party. The children enjoyed our party day today. We spent time with Year 3 sharing Christmas stories and we watched our Nativity performance with them too. We then when to play lots of games in the hall such as musical statues
A busy term has culminated in a very busy, but positive, couple of weeks. This time is always a lovely period ion school as we have the pleasure of seeing children build towards the feeling of how special Christmas is, in a way only a child can experience. The organisation of Christmas lunch, perf
Gateshead Library have an exciting Christmas workshop on Monday 23rd December. It should be a fun event that gives the opportunity to children to visit the library and also engage in some Christmas crafts. Let’s get creative with Gateshead Libraries Children’s Team this Christmas. Reindeer acorn tr
This week Nursery have been creating their Christmas cards to send to their families at the end of term. We started our week watching ‘My First Festival – Christmas’ to find out all about Christmas and why we celebrate it. We enjoyed learning about the Nativity story and how this looked similar to
This week in Nursery we started the first of our Christmas activities. We enjoyed listening to a story called “letters to Santa” and began by thinking about how we could write him a letter giving a list of presents we would hope to get for Christmas this year. We then spent time, across the week
Our nursery children really enjoyed working on the Sticky Sticks and Sticky Leaves last week, so this week they worked together to decorate a large, wooden, Christmas star, that some of our older children had made in the Forest school. Squishing the pom-poms into the sparkly glue was very satisfying
Even the ipad struggled in the low temperatures and cold finger tips makes taking photos tricky, but here is a round up of this weeks adventures in our Forest School. Year 3 created Blobsters. In class they listened to a traditional tale of how Mother Nature created our planet, she pushed her hand
We have taken part in World Nursery Rhyme week, this week! We have focused on learning lots of different nursery rhymes throughout our play. We have had big ships in the water, incy wincy spider in the sand, the bakers man in the playdough, old McDonald in the small world, zooming to the moon in the
Friday 15th November marks the Children in Need Appeal night. To celebrate Pudsey Bear and raise some money all the children, and staff, came into school dressed in their Pudsey Bear attire or accessories. The school has been covered in yellow and thousands of spots today to show our support towards
To pay homage to all those who have fought in wars, both past and present, Nursery took part in a 2-minutes silence at 11am on Monday 11th November. This week, we learnt all about the meaning of Remembrance Day and paid our respects by wearing our poppy’s and taking part in Remembrance themed activi