This week saw a return to our Angel Court visits. Over the last few months we have mostly been outside working on their new garden, but whilst the weather is cold and Neil puts the last touches on the henhouse, we moved inside to the warm to enjoy some music. Tobias, a musician from Equal Arts, has
In nursery this week, linking to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch, the children learnt about Magpies’. They listened to the magpies chatter, this bought lots of laughs, then they were told a traditional tale about the magpie and its nests. A cold and crisp morning again so we wrapped up and headed ou
This term during all of our Forest School sessions we will be learning about birds and taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. You can join in the survey at home too with the Big Garden Birdwatch. The first week back has seen some predictably wild January weather, so with this in mind the sess
We headed out into the clear, crisp, frosty morning, first a game of sticky feet. Whenever the leader shouts “Sticky Feet!” the children group together, joining up their feet. Once in the circle we talked about woodland creatures, the children pick an animal and discuss it’s recognisable characteris
Our Forest School wanted to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth by taking part in the The Queen’s Green Canopy, this project is proud to be creating a living legacy with over a million trees planted in Her Majesty’s name across the nation during the first planting season, October 2021 to March 20
It has been a busy few weeks at Angel court, where the children, residents and artist, Neil Canavan, have been building the new henhouse. It takes pride of place in the Platinum Parterre sensory garden we’ve created to celebrate the Queens Jubilee. This community space encourages the residents to co
This week, the children in Reception have been taking part in National Nursery Rhyme Week. This year, the suggested rhymes were B-I-N-G-O, The Big Ship Sails on the Alley, Alley, o, Twinkle, Twinkle, 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive and 5 Little Speckled Frogs. The children enjoyed performing thes
A wet and woolly day for Year 1. They are enjoying learning about construction in nature, how animals keep themselves safe, what materials they might need, what shapes we might see. Thinking about animals and birds that nest, they searched in the woodland for twigs and leaves to create nests of thei
In their Forest School session Reception children were learning about the way that different animals behave as the seasons change. Squirrels hiding their nuts to ensure food through the winter and which animals might hibernate. What would you want if you were spending the winter asleep? Shelter from
Our hens came to Early Years today for a visit. Due to Avian Flu restrictions they can’t currently free range, as they usually do, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get out and about. Nora, the Buff Orpington, Eyeliner, the Cream Legbar and Silkie, the Silkie Bantam enjoyed all the attention. First t