This week at Angel Court the children took the photos. As you can see as the planting becomes more established, the garden is becoming a bright and beautiful place. Colour and texture all around. Todays session saw the children making some seed balls that will be sown both at Angel Court and at scho
Whittling is a lovely activity that allows the children to hone their tool skills. We work towards this stage gradually, ensuring children are confident in their ability and can follow instructions precisely. This allows them to enjoy the benefits of learning whilst minimising the risk. Today they w
The children in Reception and Year 5 were excited this week to set their butterflies free. The children in both year groups, have been closely observing the changes that took place as the tiny caterpillars transformed into spectacular butterflies. As they were finally released into our outdoor
How does Miss Rowe get the chickens in the coop at bedtime? Reception children found out first hand by playing a game of farmer and the hens. Each team had a farmer and a flock of hens. Each hen was blind folded to help represent the language barrier. In the first games the farmer tries to get their
Last Friday, Nursery and the Harlow Green Toddler Group took part in “The Big Toddle”. The Big Toddle is a short, sponsored walk to raise money for vulnerable children and young adults through Barnardo’s. It was a chance for children to be as brave as a lion, put their best foot forward, and s
The children in Reception have thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Hall Hill Farm today. We had a great time meeting all the farmyard animals and even feeding a few. After lunch, we enjoyed holding baby chicks, guniea pigs and rabbits and even feeding a baby lamb with a bottle. We rode on the bumpy tract
This week saw a change of pace at Angel Court. Hannah Shaw, a printmaker, came to run a creative session inspired by the wood carvings of Thomas Bewick. First the children looked at some of his books, using magnifiers to hone in on the details. They discussed how much texture and movement he managed
Pebbles Pebbles Pebbles The children in the Nursery enjoyed collecting pebbles for their homework. When we came back to Nursery we explored the pebbles and discussed where we collected them from and used our senses to describe them. We then read the story ‘Peters Pebbles’, which is a story about a l
Holidays Holidays Holidays The children in Nursery have enjoyed talking about different kinds of holidays, where they could go, where they would like to go, where they would stay and how they would get there! The nursery has enjoyed pretending to be on planes and trains and writing tickets to each o
The children have (tiredly) enjoyed their final activities this moving before we head back to school. It has been lovely to talk to the instructors today, who have commented. Upon what a polite, enthusiastic and friendly group of children they are. We are so proud of them and have had a lovely time