In Reception this week, we read ‘Lucy and Tom at the Seaside’, by Shirley Hughes. The children enjoyed sharing their own experiences of seasides on Tapestry, especially since lots of children went to the seaside over half term. One of our creative tasks this week was to create a seaside scen
A busy week in our Forest School. Reception built dinosaur nests and as you can see they are are moving and handling the wild resources with confidence and maturity. Some other children worked with clay or collected special items for our Forest Museum board. Meanwhile the strawberries were weeded an
The children had the best day celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee on the last day of term! The children wore their homemade crowns very proudly, and we ate our homemade picnic in the sun and played games in the garden. We enjoyed singing the National Anthem which we have been learning over the past coup
Despite the children being off, the Jubilee Project needs to move forward in readiness for next week. Miss Rowe and Dom were joined this week by Neil who is creating a beautiful drift wood arch. The arch will be planted with climbers and certainly adds a touch of drama to the garden. Meanwhile the p
What an amazing day of celebrations at our Jubilee Street Party. Angel Court residents came to join in the fun. Maisie said “She’d never thought she’d be so happy and excited to come back to school.” Two minutes later, with much laughter, she spotted she was still wearing her slippers. It didn’t sto
As part of learning about the jubilee, the children in Reception started this weeks Forest School session in class. They looked at some photographs of the crown jewels and the kind of clothing that Royal Families might wear, both in the UK and in other countries. We then talked about Mother Nature
This week at Angel Court the children took the photos, they did a fantastic job and it gave Miss Rowe and her little helper the opportunity to dig out some roots and move some earth. Only a few weeks left to get the garden ready and you can see how committed the children and residents are to the tas
Year 2 continued to work with clay, creating tree guardians that are becoming more elaborate each week. More den building too, this time using the Christmas trees to make a defensive base. Allowing this time for children to chose allows the Forest School Leader to see what the children are really in
We may only have a small woodland but look what we can do with it! Year 1 are building on their relationship with nature through independent play. By learning to love and respect our natural world we encourage the children to want to protect it. First a flash challenge to find any spiky things. The
The children in Reception enjoyed some shady fun on a hot day out in our Forest School. They are really beginning to challenge themselves on the rope lines. Rope lines are physically, very demanding but as the children’s strength and co-ordination improves so they can devise all sorts of different w