Imaginative play for Year 2 this week in Forest School. The children decided that the rope lines, created by year 6, would become a laser quest. Can you get across without touching the lines? Once they’d mastered this, they then challenged each other to get across without touching the ground, no eas
Learning about fire is a important life skill. From choosing where to position a fire, to using fire pit, fire safety and methods of ignition, from fireside activities and crafts, to extinguishing it at the end of the day, the children will be taught these skills during their Forest School sessions.
Lots of excitement and anticipation in Year 2 this week to see if there was more evidence of Sprites on our site. You may not know much about Woodland Sprites, they are clever little creatures who are guardians of our natural world. From the trees above to the soil below and everything in between.
In class the children have been learning about the Holi Festival of Colour, today’s exploration activity encouraged them to really observe the nuances of colour in the natural world. They set off in teams, each with a collecting bag containing a selection of paint colour cards, the challenge, to see
Children in Year 4 spent the morning in our Forest School den building in the trees. Previously they have created different styles of natural shelter, including many free standing variations. Using existing trees as a start point and the natural topography of the land, encourages a different set of
There have been some strange goings on in our Forest School today. Early this morning Miss Rowe was doing her usual site check, making sure everything was ship-shape ready for the children. When she came to the fire-pit a little forest feast had been laid out…..berries and seeds, some little biscu
Pancakes around the fire for our Year 4 and Reception children this week. Whilst they ate, the older children could practice their whittling skills and try their hand at using flint and steels. Hungry work indeed. This kind of task needs a calm environment and patience, the children worked together
Kite Making The children have been loving the wind! We took the opportunity to make kites to fly in the wind. We nearly got blown away. Article 28: Every child has the right to an education. Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.
Over the last few weeks we have been using classification keys in science to sort animals and now plants and leaves. We have used different questions to identify animals according to their features and characteristics so this week we moved onto leaves and plants. After gathering leaves from bushes
Though we try and get out into our Forest School no matter what the weather brings, even the most adventurous have to respect mother nature and keep themselves safe. So for the first part of this weeks session the children stayed out of the high winds and created some placement art in the classroom.