A quick challenge encourages the children to act more intuitively. No time to over think it. Using anything you find, transform a Christmas tree into a native British animal. Some weird and wonderful beasts appeared. The children soon realised the key to this is putting in the main characteristics o
Wild winds this afternoon but we are lucky to still have some sheltered woodland to explore. Some children tried a quick build challenge to make a house for a mouse. You can see that their builds are starting to take shape. The children are now beginning to plan ahead and select materials with more
Year 3 took to the woods to get creative, on a glorious day with no wind. There was small construction going on in the willow room. Playing in and building dens and some nest building too. While all that busy stuff was going on some other children started to create a placement art gallery on the hil
Children in Year 4 spent a challenging morning in our Forest School trying all sorts of different activities. As we’ve all been taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch Miss Rowe thought the children may like to try their hand at nest building, bird style. That means one-handed! The children cou
Reception children continued to use their map reading skills today to plot out sounds that they heard on the listening walk. They are becoming much more familiar with the layout of the grounds and the landmarks that help them orientate themselves. Principle 1: Forest School is a long-term process of
Linking to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch this week the children went searching for bird food. Winter brings its own challenges and though the weather has been mild this year, still the variety of bugs about is much less than in the summer months. Collecting mini beasts was a challenge as many burrow
Linking to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch, The Great Woolly Worm Hunt is an exciting way to learn about birds and keep warm in the winter weather. This activity has been run across school with variations for age and ability. The children were read a traditional tale, The Magpie and the Birds Nests, t
As part of our topic on Journeys, we have been finding out about different types of transport this week. We read the rhyming story, ‘The Bus is For Us! by Michael Rosen, which explores different modes of transport we might travel on. The children enjoyed joining in with the rhyming words and p
In Forest School this week, Reception children began their RSPB Big School Birdwatch out in the winter sunshine. In class, using their “hand” binoculars and telescopes, they were shown how much information our eyes can take in. How reducing that information by limiting peripheral vision focuses the
Year 4 started their RSPB Big School Birdwatch this week. Cold, calm and crisp weather made a change from the last few years when we’ve experienced very high winds, would that have an effect on the types and amounts of birds? We would have to see. In class, using their “hand” binoculars and telescop