In topic this week. the children have learnt all about two festivals – Diwali and Bonfire Night! The children have enjoyed learning about two different festivals that have a similarity of light. Diwali Our first festival this week we celebrated on the 4th November which was Diwali. This is also know
Now is the time of year that we need to prepare our Forest School for the seasons to come. Showing the children how we can make our site sustainable and realising their own environmental impact is an important aspect of our Forest School. We spent the afternoon collecting leaves for mulching, repair
Autumn Over the week we have taken a look at the season of ‘Autumn’. The children enjoyed exploring the changes to the trees and the weather outside. We went on an autumn walk, where we hunted for autumn treasures on our school grounds. We found: red, green, yellow, brown, orange, and black leaves,
This week in Reception we began our topic for the Autumn term – Marvellous Me. The children have been learning about self-portraits and exploring the concept that everyone is different and unique. They have used different forms of media to draw their own self-portraits using powder paint and oil pas
Our First Week at Nursery We have had a lovely time altogether in Nursery this week for the first time. We are extremely proud of all of the children settling into our routine of daily life. The children have all been fantastic at leaving their parents/carers and settling straight in to play with th
Tree recognition can be tricky, so many varieties and so difficult to remember new names. This activity helps the children begin to recognise and match, shape, colour and textures. First each child was given a collecting bag, then into the woods we go to find their favourite leaf shape. They collect
In preparation for their Forest School adventures, Reception children practiced turning waterproofs out the right way and putting them on. Such a useful skill that so that they can be independent and we can maximise our time outside no matter what the weather. For some it took a lot of perseverance,
This week we continued with the boat building theme, linked to The Vikings. The children were taught how to make a timber hitch, used to move wood and to create a starting point for securing other more complex hitches. Knot work can be very challenging, so using big ropes on large logs helps the chi
Our mission was to find the missing, deadly dinosaurs hidden in the school grounds. First the children all joined in with a dinosaur chant. “We’re going on a dinosaur hunt, we’re going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day, we’re not scared!” Everyone searched high and low for the missing dinos
What a beautiful morning to be creative, catch up with friends and start our journey into this years Forest School sessions. Linking to the topic of Vikings the children began setting up a boat building area. They started gathering resources from around the site and made their first models. Simple