This week the children in Year 3 enjoyed a morning of forest school and physical activities in the warm sunshine. Mrs Chapman and Mrs Hamilton’s class displayed impressive teamwork during an orienteering activity. They followed a map of the school grounds to find hidden clues. Each clue reve
Due to the pandemic our wonderful visits to Angel Court had to be suspended. Though this was terribly sad for all of us, it was clearly vital to ensure their protection. Miss Rowe has been in touch with Angel Court and the Hensioners of Wood Green throughout this difficult time and as a school we ar
Looking forward to the future, after a challenging year, is so important for the children. Giving time to talk about their hopes and dreams encourages them to be open to new ideas and opportunities. Being able to be honest about any worries we may have, whilst still retaining an optimism, can help u
The children in Nursery have loved sports week! This week we have been on our holidays to Australia and enjoyed looking at their country. We particularly liked learning about their animals and going on an outback adventure. On Thursday was out sports day. We completed lots of different races includi
Bonjour, the children in Year 3 have enjoyed their sports week. They ran an impressive 6 laps of the field as part of our Race for Life and have been proudly wearing their medals. Thank you to everyone who has made a donation for Cancer Research. They also enjoyed an energetic hula hooping ses
A wonderful week of sport was also celebrated in our Forest School with an orienteering challenge. Map reading is such a useful skill to learn and all ages could take part in this simple navigation activity . The children were provided with a site map marked with location symbols and a set of instr
Year 3 continue collaborating on tasks in our Forest School. This week they collected as many different grass varieties as they could find. The grass was cut with scissors from the base, this gave good lengths to work with. These were then manipulated into a heart shape which requires at least 2 p
Over the last few weeks Year 3 have been taking part in various Forest School activities, writing rhymes, tower building and this week, creating simple games. The common link is the need for the children to collaborate no matter what the activity and no matter whos in their team. This over-arching t
Creating rafts can be great fun. The challenge was to work in a team to build a raft using only natural sticks (no planed wood) and two lengths of string. It must be small enough to fit in the pond and strong enough to support the weight of an egg for a minimum of 10 seconds. The children were given
What an exciting two days! The children were so thrilled to get on the bus and go on a trip to Gibside! After such a wet weekend we were blessed with sunshine all day and it was warm enough to enjoy lunch out on the grass too. We completed orienteering, some art, the low ropes and also a coupl