This week it has been wonderful to welcome back all of the children in Reception. We have had great fun playing with friends again and familiarising ourselves with school after such a long time at home. While lots of us have been at home, some exciting changes have begun to happen in our early y
Year 6 spent a clear and sunny afternoon in our Forest School. It was lovely to see how quickly the children settled back into the environment and they created some interesting builds. They were delighted to be outside with their friends and produced some really interesting work.
It has been lovely to see the children both at home and school enjoying lots of fun activities with a focus on well being this week. After such a busy half term of learning it was great to be able to embrace this themed week and get in a relaxed frame of mind ready for half term. The arrival of
During their PSHE sessions Year 3 have been learning about friendships and how the art of co-operation and negotiation can make communication more positive. Understanding compromise can be a tricky concept to grasp, so practical sessions that link to this kind of theme are really important so we can
Taking our love of adjectives out into the woodland made for an exciting afternoon. Working in pairs, the children were given a collecting bag, a pencil and a sheet of adjectives. Their challenge match the descriptive words to plants or objects. If they found any additional objects that they could d
Year 5 were given a piece of descriptive writing that was based on an Indian folk tale, however, Miss Rowe converted the story to reflect our North-Eastern weather. The original tale inspired the Chipko Movement, whose members embrace trees to prevent the destruction of forests. The word Chipko mean
Year 2 went exploring for colours and textures in our Forest School. Working in pairs, the children were given a collecting bag, a pencil and a sheet of adjectives. Their challenge was to collect as many examples of objects, that matched the descriptive words, as they could. If they found any additi
The nursery children all arrived on adjective day dressed up and ready to head out into our Forest School. They were split into teams; Sneaky Spiders, Wiggly Worms and Lovely Ladybirds, each team had an adult who had a collecting bag and a list of adjectives. The adults gave the children an adjectiv
Year 2 spent the afternoon making shelters for their furry squirrel friend. They were shown the squirrel before we went outside so had an opportunity to look at its size and discuss what things they would need to think about. Maybe which location would offer the most protection from the weather, wo
As with all environments open to the elements, our Forest School changes with the seasons. Year 3 spent an interesting afternoon investigating the site. Observing how the children react to the grounds helps to inform the planning of the sessions. Some children decided that they could use the windows