Applying some of their experience from last weeks den building session, Year 6 created miniature Anderson Shelters, linking to their current topic of World War 2. It was interesting to see the different ways the children approached this task, starting with a simple framework and building from there.
Year 6 are getting back into the swing of their Forest School sessions, they made the most of the Autumn weather to build some amazing shelters. Apart from the sheer creativity of the task, natural den building benefits the children in many ways. This week the dens had to be free-standing, use only
Our Nursery children have been reading Stick Man this week, to help them to learn about families. After reading the story they went outside into our Forest School with Miss Rowe and collected some good sticks. These were brought back to nursery to make into stick people which they could take home. A
Stick Safety is a vital part of the children’s Forest School journey. In the willow house we encouraged the children to work out the best way to maneuver the materials. They then practiced in a circle watching each others techniques and making any changes. Once that was completed the children were s
Year 2 continue their investigations of our Forest School. It is important that they can move with confidence from area to area, finding smells and textures, bugs and plants, they begin to create a bank of information. This will help the children when we begin more specific activities, enabling th
This week our Nursery children have been busy practicing how and where to line up on the yard. This can be tricky if you are in the middle playing. We teach them that when they hear the first whistle they stop what they are doing, then on the second whistle they move to a designated space. Once they
The children have been so excited to start learning about our Forest School and certainly weren’t put off by the wet Autumn weather. Each week we will get to know the different areas around our site. This week, into the woodlands, with a detour for jumping in muddy puddles. Learning about how we man
Our Forest School would like to share some ideas that might help to inspire you in these difficult times. We know it is vital, to help control the spread of this virus, that as many children as possible should stay at home, this must be the priority. However that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy
Despite difficult times, our children and residents of Angel Court enjoyed a fantastic last session creating pottery depictions of the Angel of the North. They started by rolling out the clay using guide sticks to control the thickness, the children helped the older people to do this, as they so
Year 4 took advantage of their swimming lessons being cancelled to prove they are still confident in their Forest School skills. What better way to spend a sunny morning. Don’t forget in these times of social distancing, if you can get out into nature the children have plenty of creative ideas. Spri