To celebrate Chinese New Year our nursery children learned about the Chinese Lion Dance. They watched some footage filmed in Hong Kong of the incredible acrobats performing the traditional dance. They had great fun, on a very windy day, dancing and playing instruments, their performance was filmed s
The Christmas tree challenge encourages the children to use their imaginations, skills and wider knowledge of the world to create a tableau. They can use any resources that they might find, the only restriction that that they must incorporate a Christmas tree into the scene (but it can’t be used as
Over the last few weeks children in Year 2 have been discussing similarities and differences between boys and girls. It has been interesting to hear their thoughts on whether gender affects ability and how that may change as we grow older. Across the Year group it was heart warming to hear the opini
Taking opportunities to focus on our personal and social development is such an important aspect of growing up. Today Year 3 enjoyed time learning about different ways of communicating. The focus was on non-verbal methods of sharing information, the many ways this can be done and why we may need t
The nursery children went into our Forest School today to learn about how to care for the school hens. Before heading outside we talked about what are the important jobs we need to do to keep our pets safe. Just like us, clean water, food and a safe place to sleep hopefully means our hens are happy
Nursery children continued to learn about composting this week. They headed out to the Reception garden to collect the fallen leaves, these will make a nutritious addition to their compost bin. They are already collecting their fruit waste each day and any plant materials from their garden. Despi
The children and residents enjoyed learning to create marbled paper this week. Using oil based inks suspended in water, cartridge paper was laid onto the surface and peeled off, giving some really beautiful results. The paper was then dried and will be used to make Christmas decorations over the c
The heavy rain brings some advantages, the soft ground being one. Year 2 took the opportunity, before this weekends predicted cold snap, to get some daffodil bulbs in the ground. Year 6 prepared the ground and the younger children placed in the bulbs, making sure the roots were pointing down. The ch
Year 3 continue to apply their observations of the world around them into their construction. This week some of the children tried to see if they could increase stability in their tower building by adding vertical sticks. Torrential rain meant the second session stayed inside, hopefully giving the f
Year 2 took a break from their construction work to create a bug hotel. Beginning in class, using leaves and sticks, the children filled small boxes. Then outside they re-purposed an old cupboard, first padding it our with dried leaves and then transferring all their houses into the wooden slots. Th