After all the rain it was fantastic for our nursery children to enjoy some time outside planting daffodil bulbs ready for Spring. First they found some good spots for planting that will be in the sun. Then they dug out some soil and carefully placed in the bulbs checking that they were the right way
Year 3 continue to hone their construction skills in our Forest School. Following our STEM week tower challenge, the children were asked to look at the world around them as an architect or an engineer might do. Could they spot key features that help to give buildings more strength and stability? The
As part of STEM week Year 5 were set The Egg Move Challenge. This exercise encourages the children to hone their problem solving and communication skills. Demonstrating an understanding of how to use a variety of materials, practically learning about forces, using estimation and prediction are just
Today tripod lashings were introduced to Year 3, bringing in more challenge to their tipee building. Being able to complete a tight fastenings will allow the children to be even more creative in their structure making. Article 6 – We all have the right to live and to succeed at whatever we do.
For the next 5 weeks the children and Angel Court residents will be working with an artist focusing on ceramics. This week we got to know everybody and started to plan the theme for the next few sessions. A common topic of conversation, no matter what the activity, is food. Whether it be baking, mak
Making tipees is a fantastic skill that encourages to children to understand strong structure. Working out how best to interlock the branches, gives stability and coverage to the outer walls of the tipee. As the children become master builders, they can develop those skills to work on a much lar
Whilst the Shaduf building continues and the children hone their ideas, this week we added in the tipee build challenge. Using only the christmas tree branches the children were tasked to build a free standing tipee shaped structure. To create a robust build with a good amount of space inside requir
In Year 2 the children created some tremendous tipees for their squirrel friend. In class we looked at some photos of different communities around the world who live in dwellings like these, continuing our conversations about habitats and how the environment often dictates the kind of buildings we c
Angel Court visits have restarted, so wonderful to see the residents again. Neil, a woodworking artist, is delivering the sessions. Everybody was involved in sanding the working parts for the wooden toys that we are building. Then linseed oil was then rubbed into the grain to help to protect and enh
Today Year 3 continued their investigations into building a ‘water moving device’ as one of the children described it. They are beginning to show a good understanding of the value of communication and planning, this was evident in the devices that they managed to construct. They were introduced to u