Year 3 will be learning about Ancient Egypt as part of their history topic. In our Forest School we have the opportunity to do some practical activities that help the children understand some of the challenges of living in other parts of the world. In class we discussed irrigation, why it is imp
The children took these photos at our last summer session at Angel Court. We’ve had such a wonderful time and are always made to feel so welcome. Here you can see the children preparing the render to be applied to the hens everyone has been working on over the last few weeks. Once the render dries t
With the wonderfully varied British weather comes an abundance of plant growth. Year 1 continue to get to know our Forest School, investigating the plants, learning how to enjoy nature. Understanding how to move safely around the site, ensuring they look after both themselves and the p
Using natural materials they collected Year 4 created collages of creatures, both real and fantastical. They demonstrated a real talent for applying the textures and shapes of the plants to depict the animals characteristics. Some children cut the materials into the shapes they wanted whilst others
This week in Year 1 we took advantage of nature to create some placement art. In class the children were asked; Can you create a repeating pattern using natural materials? This lead to a lively discussion around sorting, what different characteristics you may find in nature and how that may inform h
Year 3 created a huge variety creatures using clay and natural materials. From spiders to llamas, ladybirds to Godzilla! The children then had to describe their creatures, their personality, where they live, what they might eat. Some very imaginative ideas, executed well. Article 28 – We all have th
We spent a lovely afternoon in the garden, helping the residents to revamp their communal garden. Many hands made light work of the weeding and planting. Article 27 – We all have the right to a good standard of living.
Though not everyone has enjoyed the wet weather of late, the plants have certainly benefited. Year 1 children took advantage of this and were set off to collect leaves, grasses and interesting objects. Once they’d gathered their items they then put them together to create their own woodland scene. P
Year 4 created a huge variety of small mammal homes in their Forest school session. We discussed which mammals are native to the British Isles and what can impact on their environment. It was interesting to see how the children interpreted the challenge. Some trying to replicate as closely as possib
Year 4 are learning about risk benefit in their Forest School sessions. Actively teaching the children to analyse activities in detail, gives them a further depth of knowledge and encourages more independence. This week after some discussion in class children put themselv