This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building
In English, we took the opportunity to use the outdoor area to launch our new text. We are reading Skellig by David Almond and at the beginning there is a description of a garage that houses a strange creature – who soon becomes the central figure in the story. The garage is in a state of disrepair
Year 4 enjoyed cooking cinnamon dampers and s’mores on the
Reception boys and girls enjoyed a visit from our hens this morning. We are lucky enough to have a cockerel at the moment. Once he is a little older he will be rehomed, but in the meantime it is lovely for the children to see the difference between male and females of the Silkie breed. The biggest d
We may have been experiencing torrential rain but this recent deluge doesn’t put the children off getting outside. They took the opportunity to practice making lashings, whilst giving the water-sodden Forest School some respite from the trample of feet. Lashings are used to join together poles or sp
The snow makes everything look beautiful, but for many of the older people in our community they can feel isolated and trapped inside. They were thrilled therefore to see the children who came and gritted their garden so residents can still get outside if they want to. The sun was shining as the c
In class Reception children listened to Aesop’s fable The Wind and the Sun. We talked about how powerful these two elements can be and how we prepare for different weather conditions. We wondered about any risks that the weather can pose and how as humans we keep ourselves safe, are there ways that