

This week, Reception have been learning about recycling and finding out why this is important for our environment. We began by reading the story ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ by Sarah Robert’s which tells the story of a plastic bag who is swallowed by various animals in the ocean. After reading


This week, Reception have been reading ‘Handa’s Suprise’. We talked about the exotic fruits that Handa placed in her basket and chopped and tasted some of them.  The children then created a class pictogram of their favourites.  After tasting avocado, pineapple, mango, passion fruit, oranges,


This week the children have continued their topic ‘Outdoor Explorers’ by focusing on growing and planting. We began by reading ‘Camille and the Sunflowers’ by Laurence Anholt and thinking about the life cycle of a plant. We have discussed the parts of a plant and learnt some key vocabulary s