

Harlow Green qualify for the Tyne and Wear Finals! What an afternoon for our Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics Team at the Gateshead School Sports Partnership Indoor Athletics Finals. All athletes did exceptionally well and gave a 100% on every single event, in addition to attending extra training sessi


This term, Year Six have been studying World War Two. As part of this, in PE lessons, the children have been learning different types of dances that came about during wartime. They have enjoyed practising the Jive to the song Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley – a song that they have also been lear


Reception have started their gymnastics PE sessions for this half term. The boys and girls are learning how to travel around the room in a safe way like a gymnast would in the Olympics. They started their learning by looking at different videos of British Olympic gymnasts to get an idea of what gymn


This term some of the Year 6 children have been attending a futsal club on a Thursday morning.  It has been great to get clubs up and running again!   The children have been practising their futsal skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling and other football skills. Article 29 – We all have t


This term some of our year fours have been attending a Basketball  club on a Thursday afternoon . The children have been practising their basketball skills such as passing, shooting, dribbling, defending and attacking. The children have worked really hard in every session. Article 29 – We all hav


Last week our year 6 cross country team took part in the Gateshead Schools’ Cross Country race. There were 44 teams who took part and our school came third which is an outstanding  achievement.  Well done to all runners who took part.  They received their medals in assembly today.   Article