

Children in Nursery have taken an interest in making birthday cakes in the playdough area, mud kitchen, and home corner therefore we explored birthdays this week. The children have engaged in games where we roll the dice and count candles onto birthday cakes. Together we have enjoyed making party ha


We have been super active in Reception this week! The children have loved having access to the bikes and scooters on the yard to practice their gross motor and balancing skills. Some children even learnt how to ride a bike without stabilizers! We have also been practicing our throwing and catching s


As part of our PE lessons, this half term Year 3 will be learning about hockey. The children were very excited to get started, and they were fantastic during the lessons! Both classes have learnt to correctly hold a hockey stick and are beginning to show good control when moving with the ball. The c


This week, Year Six have taken part in lots of physical activity. They have learned drills in Tag Rugby lessons; 6B went for their first swimming lesson; and 6A enjoyed some fun in the sun with team games and races. Health is one of the key aspects of the school curriculum and is one of the main dri


This morning, the children completed the Race for Life by running 13 laps of the school field. Well done  to all of them – and to the other children in school who completed this race last week. Understanding why this race is done each year, has been something that the class have discussed with matu

Race for Life On Friday morning, Reception completed their 2 laps of the field for our Race for Life event in aid of Cancer Research UK. The children ran, walked, skipped and even danced their way around the field! They all tried incredibly hard and were delighted to find once they crossed the finis


In Year 2 this week, we have been learning all about the Tokyo Olympics. We have been studying the host country of the Olympics, Japan. In English, we have learnt all about a famous, Japanese Olympic table tennis player called Mima Ito. We have learnt all about her life, including that she was just


It was lovely to have all of Year 6 in school and enjoying their final primary school sports day. Although no parents were present, the children ore than made up for it as they supported each other in sprints, long distance, hurdles and, some of the more fun events like sack race and egg and spoon.