

All week, the school has been talking about the European Football Championship! Each class in the school has been given a country to support throughout the championships and all of the children are excited to follow their team (and England, of course) throughout their matches. The teams each class h


In Year 2, we have been extremely lucky this week to have an additional PE session led by Mr McMann! The children participated in 8 different activities challenging them in lots of different ways! The first activity required the children to complete a two footed jump into hoops laid across the field


This week, Year 5 were lucky enough to have their bonus PE sessions with Mr McMann (and we even managed to avoid the rain!). The children took part in a variety of fitness tasks, including jumping between hoops, swerving around cones and hopping over ladders! Exhausted doesn’t even come close! Mr Mc


This half term in PE, children across the school are taking part in #DanceReunite, learning different parts of a dance every single week. They follow the steps from a video provided by Gateshead SSP, and they are all really enjoying themselves (as you can see in the photos!). Although Year 5 have fo


In PE, Year Two are learning how to dance. Miss Bull’s class are learning a routine called #DanceReunite, and Miss Norman’s class are dancing to Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’. The children learnt that when we dance to a piece of music, we count in beats of eight. They practised counting the beats by


This week, children and staff have had a fantastic time catching up with one another. Everyone has shown a great attitude and enjoyed getting back into the routine of the school day. Well done- we are very proud of you! On Thursday, both classes loved their P.E. lessons of either hockey or tennis ou


As mentioned last week, we recognise that Home Learning can, at times, be challenging for the household and we appreciate the effort parents/carers and children are making with a second, sustained period at home.  Within this in mind, our learning schedule for the final week of half-term (see below