

This term, our topic in PE is tennis. Last week, we had an excellent time exploring our forehands and today we have been practising our backhands. We found this week a little more tricky but persevered and by the end of the lesson we were looking like the professionals! Next week we’ll be moving on


During a glorious summer afternoon at Cardinal Hume School, Harlow Green’s Year 3 tennis team’s training over the last year culminated in them competing in one of two Gateshead competitions. Over the three hours, the boys and girls were pitted against five other primary schools and played matches as


This week, Years 1-5 all enjoyed a taster session from Destination Jodo. All the children across the year groups thoroughly enjoyed themselves during these sessions. The children were given leaflets about the Judo clubs that are run in our local area.     Article 29 – We all have the right


Yesterday, our brilliant Year 5/6 hockey team took part in the county finals against teams from all over the North East. They were one of two teams representing Gateshead in these finals! They played incredibly well and had lots of fun!   Article 29 – We have the right to develop our talents an


Today, ten of our fabulous Reception children took part in a multiskills festival! They all had lots of fun and really enjoyed getting involved with all of the different activities!     Article 29 – We all have the right to develop our talents and abilities.


Year 6 have a lot to juggle at the minute with SATs revision, but in gymnastics the focus was on balancing and staying still. The children have been working with a partner and in small groups to create balances on the floor and apparatus – working on different levels and balancing using different bo


Yesterday, two teams of Year 4 rugby players went to Gateshead International Stadium to take part in a rugby tournament. Both teams played incredibly well and had a lot fun! Amazingly, both teams came second in their groups, well done teams!  


Another huge congratulations to the year 5/6 hockey team, who took part in the finals on Wednesday! They came second overall meaning they go on to the county finals next week!   Well done team!    I