

After school yesterday  some of our year 5/6 Girls took part in a friendly match against Whitemere Primary school which was held at Harlow Green. The girls played some great football, they passed the ball really well and played cohesively as a team. The communication on the pitch was fantastic, wi


We have had a great half term exploring travelling and rolling in PE. This half term, Nursery have been looking at different ways of travelling along equipment and practicing rolling across mats. We have learnt different ways to travel along the benches such as; crawling, walking, sliding on our sto


This term in PE, Year Two have been developing their gymnastic skills. They have explored lots of different ways to move their bodies, including jumps and rolls, as well as practising a range of balances. First, the children explored travelling using different stepping movements. They started by lea


Since coming back after Christmas, the children in Year 6 have been practising their performance skills in gymnastics. They have studied routines by famous gymnasts in the Olympics and discussed the different elements of travelling, balancing and jumping. Each week, they have then focussed on one of


Year Two have been learning about dance in their PE lessons. They have explored how they can move their bodies in different ways, with control, to represent different characters. First, the children learned that music is counted in beats of 8. They practised doing this in time with the music they wo


The Rugby World Cup in France has inspired the Year 6 children over the last half-term and their block of lessons culminated in a tournament between the two classes. Over the last seven weeks, the children have developed their understanding of passing and tagging and it has been fantastic to see the


Over the past 8 weeks, the children in Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed working together to create their class dance. They first practised movements in beats of 8 and learnt how to create an effective canon by working together in groups. They children then created their own dance movements using the t


This term, we have been practising our gymnastic skills in our Indoor PE lesson. We start every lesson by warming up our bodies and increasing our heart rate.  The children love playing stuck in the mud and tag. Our gymnastic skills started by creating different shapes with our body.  We looked at