

This week, the children had the fantastic opportunity to have PE and healthy lifestyle sessions delivered by players of the Newcastle Eagles. The children were taught all about the importance for water, a balanced diet and who are the ‘superstars’ in the life. The main highlight for the children was


Across Spring Term, the children have been enjoying fencing taught in the PE lessons. To start the unit, the children were introduced to the basics of fencing. They started by learning the ‘salute’ and ‘on guard’ positions, as well as the rules for moving and the importance of defending within fenci


Year 4 collaborated to construct obstacles for an assault course. Forest School opportunities are designed to build on an individual’s innate motivation, positive attitudes and/or interests. Any Forest School experience follows a Risk–Benefit process managed jointly by the practitioner and learn


Our new PE topic in Nursery for this half term is Ball Skills. Last week in our PE session,  we worked on throwing and catching a beanbag. We worked hard with our partner to make sure we were throwing the beanbag sensibly and that it was travelling in the correct direction.  We made sure we had ou


After school yesterday  some of our year 5/6 Girls took part in a friendly match against Whitemere Primary school which was held at Harlow Green. The girls played some great football, they passed the ball really well and played cohesively as a team. The communication on the pitch was fantastic, wi


We have had a great half term exploring travelling and rolling in PE. This half term, Nursery have been looking at different ways of travelling along equipment and practicing rolling across mats. We have learnt different ways to travel along the benches such as; crawling, walking, sliding on our sto


This term in PE, Year Two have been developing their gymnastic skills. They have explored lots of different ways to move their bodies, including jumps and rolls, as well as practising a range of balances. First, the children explored travelling using different stepping movements. They started by lea