

Nursery had a very busy morning, in class we looked at plants that may be a bit “risky”. Thistles, nettles, brambles etc. Miss Rowe showed the children which insects only live on these plants and why it’s so important we allow areas for these habitats to thrive. We watched a short film about all the


On Friday, pupils had fun whilst raising money for Comic Relief.  During assembly, the children learnt that Comic Relief is a charity event  that raises money to support incredible projects and organisations who are making a difference for people across the UK and around the world.  At Harlow Gre


This week, the children in Year 3 had the opportunity to learn about the sport of boccia. Mr Davison, from Grace College, came into school to demonstrate the game and explain the rules. Once in their teams, the boys and girls were excited to play the game. During the session, the children developed


For the past two weeks, Class 5A have been participating in some rather interesting PE lessons! After finding out that they would be taking part in fencing lessons, the children were very excited. Lesson 1 focused on the basics of fencing, including learning about the salute, the ‘on guard’ position


This week, Gail from Skipping School spent time with us, helping the children from Years 3-6 develop some skipping techniques.  This is part of a wider scheme in school to get more children skipping as part of our commitment to 60 active minutes a day, supporting children in their development of fi


We are delighted to announce, Harlow Green Primary School are supporting Road Safety GB NE in their regional campaign urging fans to give drink and drug driving the boot during the World Cup. Hao Xuan Guo, Tiayana-Mai Wylie, Holly McKenry, Louie Wood, Joseph Topping and Ava Sweeney all took part in


Friday night is fitness night for some Year 6 children as they stay for an after school fitness session. They do a range of exercise sessions from boxing workouts, to core workouts and always put in 100% effort. getting into good fitness habits at an early age cannot be underestimated as it sets you


In PE, Year Two have been practising their ball skills. To begin, they had to let the ball bounce once and then hit it upwards. This was quite tricky as the children had to make sure their racket was flat and facing the ceiling. They learned that if it wasn’t, they would hit the ball in a different