

In PE, Year Two have been practising their ball skills. To begin, they had to let the ball bounce once and then hit it upwards. This was quite tricky as the children had to make sure their racket was flat and facing the ceiling. They learned that if it wasn’t, they would hit the ball in a different


This half term we are working on gymnastics’ techniques and skills – starting on jumps and landings and then balances and holds.  We have created sequences with these and then this week looked at travelling around the room at different heights using a variety of equipment. Children worked in small


What an amazing afternoon we had for the children’s first sports day at Harlow Green! The boys and girls have loved participating in the different events from sprinting, space hopper racing to wellie throwing. Luckily, the weather was on our side in the end as the sun finally put his hat on after


We had a great time in the sunshine enjoying a range of activities from penalty shoot outs to egg and spoon, along with cheering and shouting on for our teams. We have had to wait for a grand total to find out the winning team……but GERMANY will enjoy an extra break and ice pops on the field next


What an amazing afternoon we had on Wednesday at our sport’s day!  Thank you to everyone who attended. The boys and girls were very enthusiastic and showed excellent sportsmanship cheering on their fellow team mates.  Everyone made a valuable contribution to their team and a number of children wer


What an amazing afternoon we have had! The boys and girls have loved participating in this year’s sports day events. Luckily, the weather was on our side. It was wonderful to welcome back all of the parents and carers to our school for what will have been their first time attending sports day. They


This year we saw the return of the Gateshead School’s Dance Festival at The Sage in Gateshead; a showcase event providing the children an amazing opportunity to dance on such a famous stage. After several weeks of rehearsals, up to 7 times a week and endless support from parents and carers fetching