

What an amazing afternoon we have had! The boys and girls have loved participating in this year’s sports day events. Luckily, the weather was on our side. It was wonderful to welcome back all of the parents and carers to our school for what will have been their first time attending sports day. They


This year we saw the return of the Gateshead School’s Dance Festival at The Sage in Gateshead; a showcase event providing the children an amazing opportunity to dance on such a famous stage. After several weeks of rehearsals, up to 7 times a week and endless support from parents and carers fetching


The children have (tiredly) enjoyed their final activities this moving before we head back to school. It has been lovely to talk to the instructors today, who have commented. Upon what a polite, enthusiastic and friendly group of children they are. We are so proud of them and have had a lovely time