Year 1


This week, the Year One children started their Design and Technology block, with a focus on weaving. Our project is to design, make and evaluate a table mat. The week started with conducting some research about table mats. The children were able to look at table mats and say what materials they thou


In this horrible, rainy weather there’s not a lot to do outside, so it’s the perfect time for grabbing a book and reading. The start of the year always sees some brilliant new book releases and WHSmith and Waterstones have some excellent displays of picture and chapter books that are well worth a lo


All this term, children across school have been learning about British birds in their Forest School sessions, this is linked to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. The children have become very good at recognising  the different types, where they might expect to see them and how to tell some of the diff


Everyone was very excited to go on their very first trip in Year One.  The children have been learning all about Christian churches. They have learnt what happens in a church and features of a church both inside and outside. Today, we all walked down to St. Ninian’s church in Low Fell. We enjoyed


Year One have been so excited to use laptops this term. It all started with the children learning the different parts of a laptop computer and a desktop computer – screen, keyboard, trackpad/mouse. Then the children were taught how to log onto a laptop computer, and then onto Purple Mash. Next, we


This week in Year One, in our science lessons,  we have been learning all about sea pollution and the growing global problem our marine life is faced with.  The children have watched a number of different Espresso video clips which have explained how much rubbish is in the sea, the dangers it pose