Year 2


This week Year Two visited Saltwell Park. As part of their PSHE work the children have been thinking about how they could help their local community. They took part in a litter pick while they were there and also used the opportunity to carry out some geography fieldwork. When they arrived, the chil


In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about programming, using Scratch Junior. They have used coloured blocks to program a character (sprite) to move, change and speak. To begin, the children recapped their learning from Year One. Even though it has been a long time since they last used Scra


This term in Art, Year Two have studied the artwork of Vincent van Gogh. Although he is most famous for his paintings, van Gogh believed that drawing, using simple mark making techniques, was “the root of everything”. The boys and girls therefore studied his sketches and used different materials


This week, in English, Year Two have started to read their new text – One Day on Our Blue Planet: In the Ocean.  For their book launch, the children were told that they were going to create a piece of artwork linked to their new text. However, at this point, the children didn’t know what their new