Year 2


This week, Year 2 visited Tynemouth Aquarium. During their visit, they saw lots of different sea creatures and learned how to protect them. The children also visited the beach where they found out what their new English text is going to be for this half term. To begin, the children were given the op


This term in Art, Year Two have been learning about tie-dye. They have then used these techniques to create their own pair of tie-dye socks. First, the children learnt about the artist Yokisho Wada. The boys and girls found out that she used different dye techniques to create her artwork. Her work i


Today we held our annual Harlow Green Easter egg competition.  It was clear to see that we have some highly creative children by the level of detail that was put into our competition entries. The eggs were displayed around school so that each class could take a tour and have a look at them.  Ou


In PSHE, Year Two have been learning all about their bodies and how they change as they grow. To begin, the children learned about things that can help their body and things that can harm their body. The children looked at a range of products and decided which would be helpful and which would be har


This week Miss Rowe set up some rope walks in the woods. This is an interesting little challenge that encourages the children to use their senses and to communicate with each other. For the first walk the children were paired up. One partner had a blind fold and held onto the rope in one hand and t