Year 2


This week, Year Two had a visitor from Newcastle Central Mosque. They learned lots of facts about Islam, including how Muslim babies are welcomed into the world and what happens at a Muslim wedding. To begin, the children learned about aqiqah –  a naming ceremony that takes place when a baby is sev


This term in History, Year Two have been learning about two British monarchs: Henry VIII and Elizabeth II. They started by learning that a monarchy is a form of government where one person, called a monarch, is in charge. They then found out that a monarch is a king or a queen. The boys and girls st


In Maths, Year Two have been learning all about money. To begin, the children identified the value of coins and notes. Then, they applied their knowledge to find the total of an amount.  Next, the children investigated how they could make the same amount in different ways. For example, to make 10p,


This term in our Forest School sessions we are preparing for our annual survey for The RSPB Big School Bird-watch. Year 6 are busy building bird-hides. The structure of their builds is linked to their RE study regarding the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Trying to use the detailed guidance for building


This week Year Two have started their new book in English. They created a gingerbread house and then used this clue to try to work out what their new book might be about. First, the children painted a paper plate with brown paint. Next, they coloured in a variety of sweets and lollipops using colour


This term, Year Two have been learning all about food chains in Science. The children learned that a food chain shows what eats what in a habitat. Did you know, the arrows used in a food chain show the direction of energy or what is eaten by who? The boys and girls focused on three different habitat