Year 2


This week, Year Two started to read their new book – Vlad and the Great Fire of London. Before they began the story, they looked at what houses were like in London in 1666. They noticed that the houses were made of wood, with thatch on the roof. The houses were also very close together. Next the c


Yesterday, Year Two visited St Mary’s Heritage Centre in Gateshead. This was linked to their History topic – The Great Fire of Gateshead. To begin, the children learned about the building they were visiting. Just from looking around, the children quickly identified that the building used be a church


This week, the whole school has had a change from their normal English lessons and there has been a focus on writing and performing poetry. This is an important element in the National Curriculum and one that enables children to develop their creativity and confidence performing in front of others.


This term, Year Two have been learning about Christian weddings in their Religious Education lessons.   First, the children found out who was involved in a Christian wedding and where it takes place. The boys and girls found out that Christians get married in the Christian holy building, called


In Art, Year Two have been learning all about collage. To begin, the boys and girls explored what happens when we mix colours. Using the primary colours, the children mixed red and yellow, blue and yellow, and blue and red to create the secondary colours, which they then painted onto a colour wheel.


This half term, Year Two have been learning about information technology (IT) in computing. They found out that IT is a computer or something that works with a computer. First, the children found out about different types of IT that we use in school. They looked around the classroom and thought abou