Year 3


This week, in maths the boys and girls have started a new unit focusing on mass and capacity. To start, they had the chance to hold and compare a range of weights so they could get a feel for difference between grams and kilograms. The children then worked together in pairs to explore the mass of cl


Today, the boys and girls started learning about the Jewish faith.   They began with a visit to Newcastle Reform Synagogue and found out about why it is such an important building and what happens there.  After their visit, the children have reflected on the activities which take place in a synag


In PSHE, the boys and girls in Year 3 have started learning about the importance of clear communication. They began by discussing all of the ways in which we can communicate with each other, including face to face conversations, text messages, phone calls, sign language and facial expressions, among


This week, the boys and girls became Stone Age chefs but with a modern twist! They began with discussions about food in the Stone Age. The children can all explain that early humans were hunter-gatherers who had a diet consisting of meat, fruit, nuts and berries and how this changed with the introdu