Year 3


In Science, Year 3 have been learning about magnets and their magnetic fields. The children handled different types of magnets and were quick to make predictions about which they thought would be the strongest and why. They then used the magnets to investigate whether their predictions were correct


In History, the children have been learning about castles. They began by learning about the features of a castle and located some of the castles around the UK, including Alnwick Castle which they have been lucky enough to visit this week.  The boys and girls were all very keen to see which of the f


Today in maths, the boys and girls in Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed learning about Roman numerals. Many of the children knew that Roman numerals are used on some clock faces and they also pointed out that they are used in the names of monarchs including King Charles III and Henry VIII.  In the lesson,


Over this half term, the children have been using the program Scratch to develop their coding skills.  They began by learning about the main components – sprites, backdrops and programming blocks before having a go at creating code to make their sprite move. Once they had mastered this, they then a