Year 3


During our RE work this term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about Christianity. The children began by learning about John the Baptist and were able to retell his story using visual prompts. As John the Baptist told people to repent their sins, the children wrote about something the


This half term, the boys and girls have been learning the skills needed for a game of basketball. They started by practising how to chest pass and bounce pass and then moved on to the skill of dribbling. They were very enthusiastic and showed great sportsmanship when applying these skills within tea


In Science, the boys and girls have been learning about plants. They began by exploring what plants are and recapping the parts of a plant before moving on to learning about the functions of each part. They were able to clearly explain this in their own folding leaflets. After this, each child chose


To launch our topic ‘Sense of Place’, the boys and girls have been learning about the UK and practising their atlas skills. They began by recapping previous learning and naming the four countries which make up the UK before identifying them on a map. They were then introduced to the term county,


During Maths, the boys and girls have started learning about mass. They began by looking at images of objects on balance scales and explaining how they could tell which was heaviest and which was lightest. The children could explain that if the scales were balanced, it meant the mass of the objects