This week, we have celebrated world Book Day in school. Part of this celebration, was about looking at new books that the children might like and the teachers being able to offer some advice about authors and the latest books in the shops. With money from their sponsored read, the children are going
This week, the boys and girls became Stone Age chefs but with a modern twist! They began with discussions about food in the Stone Age. The children can all explain that early humans were hunter-gatherers who had a diet consisting of meat, fruit, nuts and berries and how this changed with the introdu
Over three days this week, the children across the whole school were spell-bound as they were visited by the illustrator and author Liz Million. Liz writes, illustrates and publishes her own books as well as illustrating for other authors and working in schools. She talked to the children about her
Harlow Green Celebrates Safer Internet Day 2025 On Tuesday, 11th February, Harlow Green Primary School joined thousands of schools across the country in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2025. This year’s theme, ‘Too Good to be True’, encouraged our children to think critically about what they se
In science, the boys and girls have been learning about skeletons. They began by finding out about 3 different types of skeleton; endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons, including the benefits and drawbacks of each. The children then successfully sorted animals based on skeleton type.
Reading for pleasure and promoting a life-long love of books is a key aim of the school’s curriculum and, this half-term, Mr Allen has run an after-school book club where children have read and discussed a book together each Thursday. The book that was chose was ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpur
Encouraging children to read and seeing them become fluent readers, is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. The world that opens up when you can read – for enjoyment, pleasure, or to find information for a purpose – is one with endless possibilities. IN school, we use Reading Plus a
In PSE, Year 3 have been learning about physical, mental and emotional health. They began by discussing their answers to the question, ‘What is the most important part of you?’ The children quickly realised that it was difficult to name only one part and there are many aspects of themselves that are
Sharing success is important at Harlow Green. However, we do not give out lots of prizes as the important aspect is for recognition to be shared genuinely and personally. This is done throughout school regularly and in many ways by all staff; this can range from conversations in corridors, to ce
In History, Year 3 have been learning about life through the ages. First, they were introduced to the term ‘prehistory’ meaning the period of time before written records. They then began by exploring the Stone Age. Initially, the children became archaeologists and using images, discussed a range of