Year 4


Year 4 have enjoyed the start of their Geography topic this half term, all about mountains. To begin with, we have learned about how the structure of the Earth affects its features. Using pieces of paper, they demonstrated how the Earth’s tectonic plates can move in different ways to create mounta


In their weekly French lessons, Year 4A have been learning how to say and write rooms within a home.  This week, the children have been learning how to say the different types of rooms you would find in a house in French. They started the lesson by thinking of the different rooms they had in their


Year 4 enjoyed a fused glass workshop in conjunction The Sunderland Glass Centre, creating tiles to represent The Angel of the North. All the children worked in teams to create part of a mosaic of tiles that will fit together to make The Angel of the North.  This is part of our Art topic all about


This term in our Forest School we will be taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. All classes will be involved in this in some way. This week we revisited how we identify birds. Below you can see some of the Year 2 children playing a bird identification game, this helps with their observation


This term in Science we focus on living organisms and their characteristics. The first lesson is always around the characteristics of all living things, like nutrition, growth and respiration, and then we move on to look at ways to classify organisms. These can include characteristics like can fly,


Today we had a great time at our party with a lot of dancing, party games and prizes! The children had a great dance today, enjoyed Goldilocks panto in the classroom and wrote some exciting stories about a mystery Christmas gift….. Pass the parcel and of course the bauble and spoon race annual tra