Year 4


Maths games form a key part of our curriculum in Mathematics and over the last couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed taking part in a number of games based tasks involving their number skills. This term we have looked at systems in patterns – sorting, ordering, arranging and predicting using pa


In PE this half term we have enjoyed two sports….one being Boccia (an inclusive version of bowls) and we have just started golf! We have been using all of our crazy golf seaside experience to start to perfect our golfing stance, the correct ways to hold the clubs and then how hard or gently to str


In DT over the last half term, we have been learning about Viking longships and the features of them that made the Vikings such successful explorers.  This links to our History topic – Vikings – and their lives, journeys and raids. The children have designed a Viking sail and then created a pulley


Reading is such a powerful tool. We talk to the children a lot about how it can open doors to other worlds and allow them to use their imagination. Reading can also be used to help promote diversity and the world around us, acceptance of others and a greater understanding of our place in society. Th


This week, year 4 launched their new text for English: Histronauts – A Viking Adventure. The children were introduced to the Histronauts, who are a group of children that travel back in time to learn about life in the past. Building on their learning about Vikings in History, the children were asked


Last half term, a group of boys and girls in Year 4 participated in Games Club. Each week, they gathered to learn and play different games designed to boost their strategic thinking and teamwork skills. One of the highlights was learning to play the game UNO. The children had fun getting to grips wi