Year 4


This term, our class text is a short book, with few words and a great set of illustrated pictures and images. It tells the story of Henry Finch who becomes the first finch have his own thoughts – sparking the imagination in the other finches to fly off and experience life for themselves too. We laun


As the RSPB Big School Bird-watch comes to an end, we finished our Forest school sessions with the Great Woolly Worm Hunt. This is a fantastic challenge that helps the children to understand how birds feed.  In reflection we talk about how time consuming it can be and how tired the birds might get


    This is a really interesting challenge that the children threw themselves into with gusto. In class the children were asked “How do I move an object that’s too heavy for me to lift?” They talked in their table groups and came up with some really interesting solutions. We looked at the paramete


This term in PE, the children have enjoyed two different sports – Boccia and Golf. Boccia is an inclusive sport that involves children playing a kind of bowls, aiming balls at the jack that is rolled at the start.  It is a sit down sport that ensures children of all abilities can access and enjoy.�


In this horrible, rainy weather there’s not a lot to do outside, so it’s the perfect time for grabbing a book and reading. The start of the year always sees some brilliant new book releases and WHSmith and Waterstones have some excellent displays of picture and chapter books that are well worth a lo


This half term, the children taking part in our VEX robotics club participated in a tournament hosted by Nissan. The tournament involved 20 local primary schools who took their own robots to compete in driving skills challenges. Our team appropriately named themselves ‘The Green Machine’, and compet