Year 5


Exploring South American Flavours in Design Technology This week in Design Technology, students had a hands-on experience exploring the vibrant flavours of South American cuisine! As part of our food technology module, we learned how to make three delicious and traditional dishes: guacamole, salsa,


This week, the children got an insight into what they would be learning about in Year 6 – Shakespeare!  The children were introduced to the story of Macbeth. After hearing the story, the children were put into groups and tasked with coming up with a maximum of five freeze frames to retell their sec


This week, the children in Year 5 have been completing artwork based on a piece by John Dyer. Over the past two weeks, Year 5 have been learning about John Dyer, who is a contemporary artist. The children started their unit of work by looking at some of his artwork and deciding on a favourite piece.