Year 5


This week the children were introduced to their final English read of Year 5!  On Monday, the children were asked to draw, write and annotate ideas when they saw the word ‘island’ displayed on the board. We had some interesting ideas, with drawings of palm trees, coconuts and the sea. The children


On Wednesday, Year 5 had a very interesting visit from Wonder Dome.  During this half term, the children have been fully engaged in their space unit in Science. The children started the topic by looking at the planets within our solar system and identified interesting facts about each planet, inclu


Last Friday  afternoon  some of our year 5/6 children  took part in the Gateshead East Cricket  competition which was held at Gateshead Fell Cricket Club .  We had thee  teams who took part in the competition  they all  played  really well and played cohesively as a team.  all teams played


This week, Year 5 have began to look at Islamic art during their art lessons. We have looked at examples of Islamic art to identify the three main components: floral motifs, geometric patterns and calligraphy. Then, the children were given different examples of Islamic art to choose from and were as


Year 5 displayed their understanding of water safety procedures this week. They have worked incredibly hard to get to this point of assessment, following the directions of the swimming instructor with focus and demonstrating with precision. Wearing loose clothing, the first task to swim out slowly i


Today, the children learnt about the figurative language technique of personification.  Next week, the children in Year 5 will be writing a setting description based on the book Oranges in No Man’s Land. The children have worked hard so far to create descriptive sentences in their sentence stacker