Year 6


Visualising shape is a challenging area of maths – sometimes children (and adults including Mrs Jennings) find it hard to see how a net will be folded! Today, the children were given parts of nets which they had to pair together to make a complete net. They had to work out which pairs fit together


Over the last couple of weeks the children in Year 6 have studied different artists and styles of portraits and have then incorporated this learning into a final piece. The children have appreciated artwork by Pablo Picasso and have discussed his Cubist style of geometric shapes and abstract feature


Last week ,  our Year 5 and 6 Netball team  took part in the Gateshead Finals which was held at  Gateshead Stadium.  The team had to win a competition just to qualify for this event which was already a fantastic achievement. 10 Schools made the finals and we  were in a group of 5 and had to fin


This half term, Year Six have been studying the Circulatory System as part of their Science unit of work. The children have learned about how blood travels around the body in order to transport Oxygen to keep us alive. They have studied the different blood vessels and written the journey of a red bl


As part of the topic, ‘How Precious Life is..’ the Year 6 children have been learning about the history of coal and how important it was to the local area. To begin with, the children learnt about the significance of the coal mines in the North East. They considered what coal was used for as wel


Encouraging children to read and seeing them become fluent readers, is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. The world that opens up when you can read – for enjoyment, pleasure, or to find information for a purpose – is one with endless possibilities. IN school, we use Reading Plus a