Year 6


This week, Year 6 have been putting their culinary skills to the test as they have made vegetable pasties in the air fryers. There was great excitement in both Year 6 classrooms as the children were given the chance to peel, chop, slice and dice a range of vegetables to create their own pasty. Durin


In RE this week, the Year 6 children have been learning about the importance of Moses and The Passover festival to people of the Jewish faith. The children enjoyed listening to the story of the Passover and were particularly interested in the ten plagues. They then created a storyboard which reflect


Visualising shape is a challenging area of maths – sometimes children (and adults including Mrs Jennings) find it hard to see how a net will be folded! Today, the children were given parts of nets which they had to pair together to make a complete net. They had to work out which pairs fit together