Year 6


In English lessons this half term, Year Six have been looking at a short animation called ‘The Piano’. The video is of a man playing a tune on a piano and reflecting on the memories in his life. The children enjoyed looking at clues to predict what the man’s memories might have been. They considered


Presentation is extremely important and each week, children across the school are rewarded for their presentation, by achieving a place on the ‘Perfect Presentation’ hall of fame. Throughout school, children work extremely hard to achieve their pen licence. They have to practise their joins and get


Over the last two weeks, in DT, the children in Year 6 have made a working Morse Code transmitter. Firstly, they had to find out what a Morse Code transmitter did. After this, they designed their product. The children remembered how to create a circuit using their knowledge from Science and applied


Last week some of our KS2 children got the opportunity to go to Sunderland Bowling Alley and play some games of Bowling. The children did really well and some even manged a few strikes! All children who took part received a participation medal to bring back to school. Well done everyone you all repr


On Monday and Tuesday, the Year 6 parents attended curriculum workshops. Mr Hollingworth shared a little information about the non-core subjects and how these are planned and taught. This was followed by a presentation of work by the children. They shared a little information about remembrance and s


To mark Armistice Day this year at Harlow Green, the Year 6 children led assemblies for both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children. In the assemblies, the Year 6 children shared some information about remembrance, read poems and sang  song related to war. At 11 o’clock, the school fell silent