As part of the school’s expectation that children and staff will have high standards of themselves and will grow, happy, healthy and successful, together, the first sports contracts were issued. After an assembly by Mr Malik reinforcing the school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe, Year 4, 5 and
Over the last week, Year 6 have continued to read and investigate the characters and plot within their English novel – Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. The children have been enjoying the text and there has been much discussion about the characters and how they would feel at different parts in the
Today we held our Macmillan Coffee Morning to support those battling Cancer. We had a great time at our coffee morning. Thank you to all those parents and carers (and toddlers) who attended the event. We raised almost £50 which will be sent to support the fantastic work the Macmillan nurses do for
In maths, Year Six have already completed a unit of work on place value and are now working on calculations. During the Place Value unit of work, the children have developed a clear understanding of what each digit in a number represents within ones, tens hundreds, thousands up to ten million. They
We are very proud of our Great North Runners who took part in last weekend’s event! Well done to all our families and children who took part in the various different running events last weekend. The weather was very mixed but it was great to see so many children take part, some of them moving up t
This term in Science, Year Six are studying electricity. This week, the children have been drawing circuit symbols and working circuits. It was important to remember to use a pencil and a ruler to draw the wires. The children constructed circuits using wires, bulbs, buzzers and batteries. Everyo
This week saw the launch of our class text ‘Friend or Foe’ by Michael Morpurgo – and the children were in for a surprise when a siren led to them being taken on an air raid into a shelter and then preparing for evacuation to Devon! The book links to our topic on ‘Peacekeepers’ and is set during the